Population 807,250
Single pop. 222,317
Timezone Africa/Tripoli
Country Libya


Benghazi, Libya's second-largest city, offers a vibrant mix of Mediterranean charm and rich historical tapestry. Known for its bustling markets, beautiful mosques, and the stunning waterfront along the Mediterranean Sea, Benghazi is a city where tradition meets modernity. Whether you're exploring the ancient ruins or sipping coffee at a trendy café, Benghazi provides a unique backdrop for adventure and new connections. Perfect for those who appreciate a blend of culture, history, and scenic views!

Date ideas for Benghazi

Café Date at Al-Fadeel

Enjoy a relaxed café date at Al-Fadeel, a popular spot among locals. It's a great place to have deep conversations over coffee or tea, and the friendly atmosphere makes it a safe space for everyone.

#Foodie #Romantic

Walk Along the Corniche

Take a leisurely walk along Benghazi’s Corniche. This scenic waterfront is perfect for a romantic stroll, especially during sunset. It’s public and generally safe, offering beautiful views of the Mediterranean.

#Romantic #Active #Touristy

Explore Berenice (Benghazi) Museum

Dive into history at the Berenice Museum, where you can explore artifacts from Benghazi and surrounding areas. It’s educational and offers a quiet environment to enjoy each other's company.

#Culture #Touristy

Shopping at Jumhouria Street

Go shopping or window-shopping along Jumhouria Street, one of Benghazi’s main commercial hubs. It’s bustling with shops and markets where you can explore local goods and crafts together.

#Shopping #Culture

Dating in Benghazi

Looking for love in Benghazi? Only Lads is your go-to spot to connect with like-minded guys in the city! Whether you're exploring the vibrant local scene or seeking a deeper connection, our app makes it easy and safe to meet other gay and trans men. With Only Lads, you can effortlessly filter your search to find exactly who you're looking for, chat in real-time, and get to know other local singles on your terms. Dive into Benghazi's dating scene with confidence and see who's waiting to meet someone just like you!

A brief history of Benghazi

Benghazi, Libya’s second-largest city, is a vibrant hub with a rich history that dates back to ancient times. Originally founded by the Greeks in 525 BC as Euesperides and later renamed Berenice by the Egyptians, the city has always been a significant Mediterranean port, blending various cultures and influences through the ages. Its historical significance is matched by its natural beauty, from serene Mediterranean beaches to bustling marketplaces that capture the spirit of its diverse heritage.

Modern Benghazi is a city of youth and energy, reflecting a dynamic blend of tradition and modernity. It’s a place where history meets the aspirations of young adults, including those in the LGBTQ+ community who navigate their paths in more private settings. While public expressions of gay life are limited due to cultural and legal restrictions in Libya, Benghazi's youthful demographic often leads to more open-minded conversations and private community building. The city's numerous cafes and gathering spots offer subtle opportunities for meeting new people and forming connections that value privacy and intimacy.

In this historic yet forward-looking city, gay men (including gay trans men) find ways to explore connections discreetly. Through shared interests in culture, history, and the arts, individuals find common ground and friendship. Benghazi offers a unique backdrop for those brave enough to navigate its complexities, making every personal interaction an opportunity for deeper understanding and bonding. Whether strolling through the bustling markets or enjoying quiet moments along the Mediterranean shore, Benghazi holds subtle charms that can foster memorable experiences and relationships.